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                     Resources for Parents of Young Sewists




How you can support your young sewist at home:

  1. Skills that are helpful to know: 

    1. Threading a needle, without (instructions start at :20) and with a threader

    2. Tying a knot at the end of a length of thread - There are two common ways of doing this - wrapping thread around the needle or rolling the knot off the end of your finger.

    3. Sewing a running stitch

  2. There are a lot of online tutorials. We like Sarah's Hand Embroidery.

  3. Ask Hannah and Bonnie if you need guidance with any of these skills. We are happy to help!

  4. Cut out or help cut out fabric pieces for your child’s project. Using fabric scissors makes this much easier.

  5. Have a dedicated “sewing toolbox” for your child. Here are some suggestions for what to put in it:

    1. fabric scissors (label these “fabric” so no one accidentally uses them for paper!)

    2. hand sewing or embroidery needles (size 24 or large eye)

    3. Straight pins and/or Wonder clips

    4. small embroidery hoop - we recommend 6 - 7”

    5. a few colors of 100% polyester all-purpose thread

    6. yarn or embroidery floss (for kids, we like pearl cotton size 8)

    7. Fabric or fabric scraps - these can be fabric purchased from a fabric store or fabric you have cut from old sheets, pillowcases, or clothes

  6. If you have space in your home, encourage your child to have a dedicated area for sewing. If you don’t have space (many of us don’t!), help your child to keep their sewing supplies in a special box that they can take out and carry easily.


Local Sewing Resources

Fairfield Public Library:

  • Check out their events calendar for their Wednesday night sewing classes with Jen Butler and their monthly Saturday meetings with the American Sewing Guild.

  • Look into their Creativebug videos. These high-quality, informative, and fun videos can teach you all aspects of sewing and embroidery.


Local Sewing Supplies


Online Sewing Supplies

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